Invest in Mexico and take advantage of its dynamic maquiladora industry

By Felipe Ledezma 

July 15, 2023

Take advantage of an industrial production area in Mexico that benefits from tax-free imports and permits for the processing, assembly or manufacturing of final products intended for export.

Maquiladora companies, which can be fully owned by foreign entities, have thrived thanks to favorable government policies, especially in cities bordering the United States.

In this industrial landscape, PAB has emerged as a valuable partner for maquiladora companies. The firm is recognized for its personalized approach, working closely with IMMEX companies on critical areas such as company incorporation, leases, contracts, labor relations, and other sector-specific services.

Companies in the maquiladora industry have been pioneers in taking advantage of business relationships in Mexico. PAB provides these companies with a legal partner that has a deep understanding of the manufacturing industry and offers customized solutions to help them operate efficiently within the Mexican legal framework.

It's worth highlighting that PAB stays up to date with the latest issues in the industry, such as "Nearshoring" and "Offshoring." "Nearshoring" refers to moving business operations to nearby countries to benefit from reduced costs and geographic proximity. In contrast, "offshoring" involves moving operations to other countries.

Mexico, being a neighbor of the United States, has become an attractive option for North American companies seeking to save on costs without compromising quality and production time by "nearshoring." Therefore, PAB can advise interested parties on the best option, whether it is "Nearshoring," "Offshoring," or other modalities to do business in or with Mexico.

With PAB, companies in the maquiladora industry have a legal ally that understands the manufacturing industry and offers personalized solutions to help them operate within the legal framework. This stems from PAB's motto, which is based on its human capital and the more than 31 years of experience that support it.

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Tijuana B.C., Mexico

Blvd. Agua Caliente 4558-403

(+52) 664 686 5557

Blvd. Agua Caliente No. 4558-403
Col. Aviacion C.P. 22420

Tijuana, B.C. Mexico.

PO Box 767 Bonita


Monterrey, N.L.

Mexico City

Queretaro, QRO.

San Jose del Cabo, BCS.


MEX Tel. +52 664 686 5557

MEX FAX +52 664 686 5558

Pasero Abogados, S.C., is a full service Mexican law firm that provides a wide range of international transactional and litigation legal services.